Existential Strips #14
Big news this week in the back-to-life, back-to-reality department …
As we’re all too aware, the so-called “great strike’ by the National Union Of Lightworkers has been at a virtual standstill since Fall of 2019 …
… membership versus management, grid-locked in the battle of our age.
Today, however, sees the first shimmering, glimmering signs of adamantine light at the end of proverbial tunnel…
A moment to reflect on how on earth we got here, and the first signs of a return to productivity …
Fall 2019 — A highly radicalized cell of kinesthesiologists staged a total walk out.
Their demands: to be paid by the micro-fascial release versus by the hour; 2 weeks paid paternity leave; and full dental coverage.
In an immediate show of solidarity, the cranio-sacral masseurs, Angel and Tarot card readers jumped right onto the picket lines.
The acupuncturists had a couple of strategy questions, but soon came on board.
Followed easefully by the the Rolfers, the left wing of the Reiki Teamsters, the Sisterhood of The Pleiadian Channelers, and The Life-Coaches Lodge.
A wildly non-democratic war council hastily self-organized.
Headed by four kundalinis, three shaman, two wicken, and a sacred tantrika, the war council came to the negotiation table amid a storm of governance questions.
Across the table, Management’s stance was — to say the least — hyper-yang.
An intervention team of first responder herbalists was called in, but by that point things had already gotten way out of hand…
And we will not soon forget the haunting news images from the night of the Union’s annual holiday party outing that year …
… it began peacefully enough with their annual tradition of seeing Phantom on Broadway.
But as can be the way with office holiday parties, someone just had to go call 911 — and the rest, as they say, is history …
Which brings us the current historic moment:
Today at 6.54am Eastern Standard — just as the so called ring of fire solar eclipse passes it’s point of perfection — the first group of lightworkers return to work…
… The Soul Miners.
They pull back their chthonic picket lines from outside Fox News headquarters, and get back way deep down underground, where they so desperately belong.
In an interview with Jada Pinkett Smith on her Facebook talk show Red Table Talks, Soul Miner’s Union leader Arthur Scartissue said:
“Today Jada, we emerge from the belly of the beast, and …”
… he went on, proudly quoting the Soul Miner Union’s iconic motto:
”et quod flamma non ardebit in hoc flamma consumpsit”
— and what the flame doesn’t consume, consumes the flame.
Thank You.
And now, a word from our sponsors …
This week’s edition is made possible by Coldplay.
Check out their new album Soul Diamond, released today exclusively on Sounds True Music.