Lava Lamp (with real lava)

Existential Strips #9

3 min readMay 25, 2021

Quantum Lifestyling

Strange thing happened to me this week …

Seeking respite from the song of the Brooklyn sirens, I took a day trip into the nature.

I stumbled across a postcard-perfect lake. And went in for a swim.

Fully submerged … eyes closed … sitting cross-legged on the silty bottom … some wild and wonderful current of innovation suddenly began to flow through me … inventions, devices, household products!


Inspiration’s weird, right?

I wonder how it works.



The lava lamp that uses actual lava.

It attaches easily to the business end of any micro-volcano.

Brings that fin-de-siecle party atmosphere to any living room!

And because it’s made using open-sourced attachment theory, simply remove the lamp and screw in the next device.

For example, this yummy Stygian Popcorn Maker.

Anyone who ever looked into black holes has heard it said — If you fall into one, you get extruded out the other side, in some other dimension — shredded like spaghetti.

Why always spaghetti?

More importantly, why couldn’t that principle work in reverse?

Introducing the Stephen Hawking pasta maker.

This elegant Svaha quantum wrist watch tells all of time simultaneously.

Comes in the entire spectrum of colors, even those not visible to the human eye.

The perfect gift for any +/or all occasions.

Finally — just in time for the opening of the Disney-Spacex’s new theme park, “The 2020’s” —

The Quantum Rollercoaster.

It’s modeled after the famous double slit experiment, constructed on a massive scale.

Get the ride of your life as you pass from your particle form, back into the quantum field.

Experience your wave function self, nothing but pure potentiality smeared across space-time.

Don’t worry, you’ll re-cohere! But you’ll never be quite the same again!


Thank You.


All ideas in this email are registered for trademark and patent pending with The I.F.L.O. {The International Federation of Liminal Objects: Fashion, Kitchenware & Theme Parks Division}




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