The Center Will Not Fold
The future — as they say — ain’t what it used to be …
Have you glanced at the magazine racks since we began crawling out of lockdown … ?
The perspectives are multiplying across the top shelf at my local newsagent’s like high-gloss paper is going out of style …
… racks and racks of stuff making me wish that, back in ’86, I had showed up to that college lecture on Hegel’s Phenomenology Of Spirit*** instead of eating two tabs of blotter acid.
A disenchanted faction of ethico-journalists calling themselves The Pure-Integral Purists of Integrity mutineered away from the mothership publication “Transcend and Exclude” to set up this radically anti-hierarchical rag.
Every issue comes in a spectrum of versions from which the so-called “proletariat reader” is entirely free to choose, depending on their self-defined personal level of development.
And for those who don’t know what developmental level they have thus far achieved, The Purists offer this man-in-the-street advice:
Simply pick a color you like and, if that version is incomprehensible to you, work backwards from there until you find a version you do understand!
It’s that easy!
This issue: theoretical advice every Integralist can use — hot from our Level 10 All Star team!
I was genuinely surprised to see just how sizable the Playboy Enterprises pivot was following Heff’s demise …
& I’m literally psyched for this new entry — Shadow Worker Daily.
It’s maiden issue features Leonard Cohen’s last interview.
“There Are No Diamonds In The Mine” is a 20-page stream-of-consciousness offering that promises to drop shed-loads of L. Cohen’s personal tips for rolling in the deep.
The Rudy Giuliani advice column is a stroke of editorial genius.
{Almost as genius as their re-staging of The Playboy Mansion as a celebrity sex addiction rehab.}
Well played, Sir … is all I have to say.
Thankfully the luxury category is finally starting to embrace the post-consumerist paradigm.
House and Garden has really swung for the white picket fences with this bold entry targeting the intentional community-ists.
I’m particularly fond of their open-sourced-amateur fiction section, Reader’s Lives … this week’s offering — a post-modern-Agatha-Christie-esque whodunnit entitled “The Shared Fridge”.
Question: how come, in the classic movie “Back To The Future 2” — when Doc Brown comes back from 2021 in the garbage-powered DeLorean, he neglects to mention these gems?
Zero G: The Quantum Lifestyle Journal
Popular Quantum Mechanics
The Crypto Wall Street Journal
Could Gutenberg have imagined his humble invention would some day birth Q-zines where the content and the observer are connected through strange entanglement at distance.
The reader and that which is read become ever more mutually interpenetrated over time — such that eventually all the content you are served is not just about what you like, but about what you like about what you like, and about what you like about yourself for liking it …
Thank You.
And now, a word from our sponsors …
{Editor’s Note: you are being served the ad below by an algorithm that predicts what content you will be interested in based on your choice of Zoom background.**}
These messages are brought to you courtesy of The Paper Industry — publishers of the award* winning Wishing Tree: The International Journal Of Deforestation.
My Lord, but aren’t magazines GOOD for you!?
You can actually hold them in your actual hands.
And keep them in a pile in the corner of a dorm room.
Or stacked on a shelf next to your turntable.
Or to use at self-development workshops to make vision boards that help your inner self communicate their wishes to your outer self.
Plus they don’t give you brain cancer.
Plus they have a re-sale value of circa 10 cents at yard sales.
Magazines — the original N.F.T.
{* the award this magazine received was the Palm D’Oil for journalistic integrity, sponsored by The Palm Oil Manufacturers Guild of Indonesia.}
{**We recently became aware that the Zoom background based ad serving algorithm may or may not have been slightly hacked by Anonymous.}
{***According to Walter Kaufmann, the basic idea of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit is that a philosopher should not “confine him or herself to views that have been held but penetrate these to the human reality they reflect”. In other words, it is not enough to consider propositions, or even the content of consciousness; ‘it is worthwhile to ask in every instance what kind of spirit would entertain such propositions, hold such views, and have such a consciousness’. Every outlook in other words, is to be studied not merely as an academic possibility but as an existential reality”.}
Back-catalog of Existential Strips now on Medium
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